Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Thanks for writing. This week has been another faith every week in the mission. It rained basically the entire weekend and because of that, we had about 30 people in church and only one of our investigators. IT was a struggle but we are doing ok. I have been trying my best this week to just keep a smile on my face throughout the good and the bad times. I am glad that the Gospel is here for us to be happier because if it werent for the Gospel, I would probably be a boring miserable person.
Something funny that happened this week was that I contacted an aerobics class. It was super awkward because they were outside but far enough away that I just thought that it was a family or group of people...super awkward. haha Also, it rained really hard and there was a big pothole full of water and the bus turned and dropped in it and almost tipped over. IT was pretty intense.
As far as spiritual cool stuff, We had a lot of good lessons and good new people, but we didn´t get them to church...we are teaching a mom and daughter right now who are doing really well and are reading a lot. Lorena is 22 and is studying to be a Lawyer and she is taking the Book of Mormon really seriously. Her mom is doing Chemo Therapy right now and she is finding joy in the Help that we are giving. She is hoping that she can make it through all well. We have a lot of others that we are working with and I am learning everyday from each of them.
I have been learning a lot in the mission. Literally everyday is a new experience and every new experience has led to growth. Sometimes I don´t find joy in all the experiences (Growing Pains) but I do find strength in knowing that as I rely in the Lord, he will change me.
I lvoe all of you and hope you are having a great week! Enjoy the Coming spring weather! and here...Bring on the Winter! :)

Elder Hazlett

I walk a TON but eat a lot more haha. I am in General Rodriguez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. MY street is Guillermon. I am right across from this thing called "El Dia" it is a super market. But my area is not where I live. I work where it looks like wood shacks and green fields.

we take a bus like 2 or 3 times a day at least. it is pretty anoying and we walk a ton. probably like 10 miles a day on the longer days. IT is crazy to think that Lacie is already getting back. Ivy is almost married for 2 years, JEd and I have a year left, and this season is already in sight...did either of those two missionaries from here apply to be guides? 

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