Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

This week was exhausting and auxhilerating at the same time. We had changes nad got a bunch of new misisonaries in the Zone, and I got  new Companion. His name is Elder Conrad and he is from Logan, UT. He is a stud and is really similar to Marshall (my uncle) so it is fun. We both love to cook, sing, and we are using those talents to help the people here. it has been really fun and I am looking forward to the time we have together.

It has been exhusting because it got SUPER hot this week and it hs drained our energy. However, we have had a ton of awesome things  happen that have helped us to be super excited about the new changesw as well. We have 4 new missionaries straight from the MTC in our zone, and changes in almost all the companionships which means a LOT of energy and excitement, and a lot of opportunities to learn.

We had  couple of miracles happen this week. One of them being a visit that we did with the young mens president and 3 of the deacons. We went to vsit a couple familes and we ended up finding a few new investigators. We were able to teach a great lesson and use the deacons to do examples and have them help us to teach. it was great because we were planning on just visiting less actives but we ended up ahving the  opportunity to teach a lesson to new investigtors from the beginning to the end nad the deacons got to see a little bit what missionary work is. IT was great.

Another miracle was that we werewalking in the street heading to our next lesson was that we had set a goal to talk to everyone! We headed towards a lady with a stroller to contact her and as we were about to open our mouths...she said"Hola Elder!" WE were so surprised and we got to talking. she said that she was goig to the church in Bolivia and she just moved here but she was never baptized. IT was a miracle because we were looking for new people to teach that had a desire to learn, not just to talk to two americans.

And the miracle that helped me to stay strong the most is when Gonzalo (22 years olds) who gets baptized on the 30th, called me last night just to see how our day went and to let me know that he isn`t gonna let his friends get him down anymore and that he considers us his best friends. He isn`t even a member yet and he already goes out on visits with us and is bringing his friends to church. I know that people chagne their lives when they come to know and feel the truth of what we have. I know that I am not wasting my time, no matter what anyone says. And i Know that this is the best thing and the only thing that I should be doing right now.

I hope that everyone is doing great and that you are all accepting the changes in your lives and taking advantage of them to help change you. I lvoe you and hope you have a good week! 

Elder Hazlett

P.s...if anyone wants to send pictures, they are just as good as words if not better (time is short) haha

Our Zone, MY new companion, and us at the Mtc in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

A nice pic of the temple, Ausberto our 22 year old stud who is getting baptized in a couple weeks, and a crazy wolf looking thaçing that was dancing in the street saturday night! They ahve the best dances!

We made pork chops with veggies and mashed potatoes and gravy. IT was soo good and the first time that they had eaten anything like that.

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