Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014

This last week was my birthday week. I won`t say it was the best week I have ever had, but I will say that I learned a LOT. 

We had some bad weather, fallen appointments, lost investigators, and not a lot of people came to church on sunday...but what we did have was one of the best Baptisms I have ever been a part of. Gonzalo was baptized!!!! He is the Boyfriend of Mirtha who is a recent convert as well, and the friend of Elvis who got baptized 2 months ago. Now here comes the miracle. Remember how Elvis was basically an alcoholic when we found him 3 months ago...? Well, his conversion is unreal. He literally has trusted 100 percent in the lord. He doesn`t make a good living, but he makes enough to live, and enough to get to church on sunday, and do visits on the weekend. Anyway, to make a long story short...Elvis 3 months ago was a 20 year old who was lost in the world. And this weekend he was able to Baptize Gonzalo. Gonzalo now has the goal of going on a mission in a year when he completes a year (he is 22) and Mirtha is also with her goal set on the misison! IT was a great baptism. Also, Omar (16 who is a recent convert as well) was able to be a witness at the baptism and almost every single person involved was doing something for the first time. It was a rewarding feeling knowing that I was able to be a part of all of that. 

the crazy thing that happened was when they threw Eggs on me...9 eggs and like 5 lbs of sugar! IT was pretty crazy. They came up from behind my and smashed the eggs on my head and then put the flour on top without me knowing. The birthday traditions are pretty crazy here but it was fun. I have the same birthday of the mom of one of our recent converts and so they invited us over for a barbecue. They smashed my face in the cake and then they did the whole egg thing. it was pretty funny.

This week, we started a purification process as a Zone (all the missionaries in the stake). We are focusing right now on purifying ourselves first, in order to be able to help others. in Alma 13:12 it talks a little bit about the purifying process. The only way to make changes in life, is by starting the process of chagne. "la mejor manera para empezar es comenzar" or "the best way to start is to begin". Change is a process, life is a process, and eternal life is the reward. As we use the atonement in our lives, as we learn to nderstand it and apply it, we begin to grow stronger because we are literally "coming unto Christ". 

I knwo that it is hard, but like elder Holland always says, "Salvation isn`t a cheap experience!" IT takes sacrifice, a little pain and suffering, endurance, and a whole lot of Faith. But if Faith can move Mountains, than you better beleive that faith can change us if we allow it. 

I know the Church  is true and restored on earth. I know that Christ lives and that his Atonement is a Gift and  a Privelidge for each of us to be able to use. I know that this work is amazing and it is the best thing that any youth can do. I hope you all have a desire to serve and the Faith to DO it!
Have a great Week! 

Egg in the eye.

They egged me and floured me on my birthday.....
That one was my companion.

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