Hola Hola Hola!
Man this week went sooooo fast. It is true that time flies when you are having fun and working hard! I am more than likely getting transferred this week and to be honest, I am pretty sad about it. I have been here for six weeks and the Liberty Spanish Branch already feels like home. It is small, but full of love for the Gospel. The people that are in the branch are there because they Love the people, and more importantly, they Love God! Six weeks is not enough time at all. I am so happy that I have gotten to know the people here and I hope that the Lord will continue to bless the missionary work that is happening there.
As far as stories go for this week, I have a few, and boy are they great!
"Last Thursday we had Zone Meeting. In that meeting, we had a training about planning and the importance of planning. Elder Olsen (Gilbert, AZ) and Elder Galli (Lima Peru) started the training with a quote that said "If you plan It, the Lord will Provide It." As the training went on, I realized that there were so many things that could be considered "IT". It could be an appointment, or It could also be a baptism, but whatever It may be...It needs to be planned. Having only been in the mission field for a few months, I acknowledged the fact that I am not the best planner in the mission. I had spent the last few months before I left on my mission doing whatever I felt like I needed to do, which involved little or no planning. But, I quickly realized that once I got on my mission it turned into "what the lord felt like i should do" instead of "whatever I felt like I needed to do". And when the Lord tells you that you need to do something, you should definitely plan on how you are going to do it!
Later on that day, we were in a room in the stake center doing our weekly planning. (keep in mind that it is thursday.) We hadn't had a single person on date for baptism, but together as a companionship, we decided that we were going to have a baptism that coming saturday (2 days away). We had planned lessons with some potential investigators and we had a lady in mind and were going to teach her later that night and invite her to be baptized. We finished our planning with a full schedule of appointments and Idea's of how we were going to reach our goals, and then we headed off to find, teach, and baptize......All of our appointments that night fell through.....we were devestated and didn't know why we weren't successful? We had prayed, set goals, made plans, and worked hard to find "It". To find our baptism for the week. We got home that night and just sat there for a minute and thought to ourselves "Why?" We decided to stay faithful and not get discouraged, so we said a prayer and started our nightly planning. A few minutes after that prayer, a guy named Luciano called us. We had taught him a few weeks earlier and he seemed pretty solid, but things just kind of faded out with him and we started teaching others. Anyway, he called and asked if we could meet him at the Church and talk to him. We said of course, when? He said, "Tomorrow!" So we scheduled an appointment with him! The next day came, and man was it awesome! We talked to Luciano and he asked when he could be baptized?! WE HAD FOUND IT! That was when my testimony of planning was strengthened. "If you plan IT, the Lord will provide IT" We had no idea that Luciano was going to be our baptism, in fact, he didn't even come to mind...but We planned with faith, and the Lord provided! It truly was a Miracle that I know would not have happened without our planning!"
This is Luciano with Myself, Elder Brown, Elder Maldonado, and Elder Potts at his Baptism on Saturday! It was AWESOME!!

There are so many miracles that happen everyday on the Mission, and I know that the Lord has his hand in all of those!
Today (P-day) The whole mission went to Ensign Peak with our mission president and his wife. While we were up there, President Winn talked to us about how Brigham Young declared that people from all over the world would come here and learn of the gospel! We as the missionaries here in Salt Lake City are part of that! We are helping to bring the gospel to those who are searching for it. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to be serving here as I wait for my Visa. It has been a blessing in my life!
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