Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2014

DO NOT WRITE MY MISSION PRESIDENT! HE WOULD KILL ME! haha I didn´t get a chance to do e-mail or anything last p-day because I was traveling. Right now I am in my new area "General Rodriguez" You cangoogle it.IT is super great. A hundred percent different than my last area. it is outside of the city and people have yards and stuff. 
I am sorry I didn´t get the chance to write you. Missing a week of emails is weird...I didn´t even feel like it was 2 weeks. Time goes so fast here. I hope you are having a good week momma.
I miss you a lot. The beginning of this new transfer was really hard. I had developed really strong relationships with the members of my old ward, and I had grown to love everyone. I felt like they were my family which made it a little easier not to miss you guys so much. Now I am in a new area that is super great and I am excited to be here, but it is hard being new and not knowing anyone. My new companion is great. He is from Colombia and is the District leader here but in 4 weeks he is leaving and I will be taking his place and leading the area. IT has been a struggle because I feel as if I only have 4 months in the mission not 8. MY time is SLC wasnt wasted, but compared to here it feels that way. So now I am behind a little bit in every aspect but I am being put in positions that I feel are more than I can handle. I know that I can handle them, well I have Faith that God will help me, but even with faith things are not easy. I am gonna copy my letter to president to put in this e-mail right now so that you can kind of know what I write him. He has A LOT of faith in me, and it kindof scares me because I don´t want to disappoint him in anyway. IT is like what you would always tell me, "Remember who you are and what you stand for, and don´t do anything to disappoint me" I feel as if I am not going to be able to fulfill that sometimes.

Hola President,
Sorry I couldn´t write last week...we got here late and we both chose to get to work. I love my new area. It is a little different than Ciudadela (a lot different) but it is really great. Elder Eraso is a Champion. I have learned so much from him over these last couple of days. He is an incredible teacher and is very Bold, which is what I am lacking. I have devoted myself to try and learn from him as much as I possibly can. 
This first week has been a little bit rough (getting a new area is always hard) but I am getting the hang of things. I have been a little bit nervous because I know that there are 4 weeks left in this transfer and than I am going to be leading the Area. I have been on the mission for 8 months now but I feel as if I really only have the time that I have been here because this mission is completely different. 
I was thinking throughout the week of different things that I could tell you, or ask you, and I had a few things in mind, but as I began to type them I received my answers. I know that I am where I am supposed to be, that I am with the companion that I am supposed to be with, and that I am being prepared to help not only the people here in General Rodriguez, but the missionaries as well. 
In my last letter to you when you asked if we were ready to be leaders in our areas or to train, I began to think about that. I decided that spiritually I was ready, my Faith and my Testimony are strong. Physically I am ready, Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold, I want to Work. But where I lacked was the mental prepardness. That has always been my weakness. Whether it was when I had a Par putt to win a tournament, or when I had to make only one freethrow to win a game, I always lacked the self confidence. Here, in these last couple of days in Rodriguez with Elder Eraso, I have felt the Love of Christ in my life more than ever knowing that he is there to guide my thoughts and actions so that I can sink the putt, make the freethrow, or in this case Open my mouth and Speak by the Spirit. I still struggle with the Spanish, but because of the faith that I have been able to exercise I have been confident enough to open my mouth. It isn´t easy and I the first few days have been really really incredibly hard and frustrating, but I have felt the spirit guiding me. 
I now have a clearer vision of what I want for the rest of my mission. I want to always be in tune with the spirit so that I can rely on Christ whenever I am struggling. 
Thank you for all of your advice President and the opportunities that you ahve given me to learn and grow in my mission. As I am learning more to be confident in myself, I hope that your confidence in me grows aswell.
Elder Hazlett

That is about where I am at right now. Sorry if it is a little mixed up. MY thoughts are always super scattered on P-days. I am not sure if I like it or not. I love all of you so much and Pray for you all the time. Say hello to everyone for me and know that I am doing my best to not let you down :)
Love your Son,
Elder Zakariah Hazlett

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