Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

This week has been pretty amazing. I´ll be honest, last monday I thought that it was going to be a terrible week. That I was gonna have a new companion and have to lead the area that I didn´t know very well, and that I would ahve spent the whole week feeling a little bummed. Because I had that feeing, I decided that I was going to pray extra hard to have faith that whatever happened would be what the Lord had in store for me. Tuesday night we received the phone call from the Zone Leaders with the Transfer information. Not only was I staying in my area, but my companion was made District Leader over a new district. That was something that was both a little bit stressful, but awesome at the same time. It gave us an excuse to work even harder to be examples for the other missionaries in our district. We were able to lose oursleves in the work throughout the week and focus on the blessings and miracles that we had each day and it was incredible. 
Our district ended up being the top district in the whole mission as far as success for the week. I know that we were blessed for our diligence and obedience and Also to help my companion with his new calling. 
We had our ward confrence this weeked as well, so we spent a lot of time visiting less active members and inviting them to come to ward confrence. It was an amazing experience and a testimony builder because missionaries definitely have the help and guidance of the lord when they are working diligently and are in tune with the spirit. We visited a couple families who had been invited previously by members and were thinking about going, but weren´t sure. We than continued to do our job which is invite others to come unto christ, and that is exactly what they chose to do. We shared thoughts and bore testimony about the importance of Christ in our lives and I know that they felt the spirit. This time that I have and all missionaries have (if used appropriately) will be the best experience that we will ever have in our lives as far as Serving the Lord. We are able to focus all of our efforts each day in helping our fellow man, brothers and sisters, accept and receive the blessings of the Gospel. I know the power that God used to organize the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the Earth today to help us. To help us to help others. And to help others help themselves by strengthening their testimonies. 

One story that I want to tell you is from last night. Our last visit. We visited a family that is super awesome. The mom is a lifelong member and the dad is a convert but has been a member for a long time. Their family is super awwesome but they have been inactive for a while. Their son is 9 years old and wnats to be baptized but their family needs to come back to church first. So we went and had dinner with them last night and during dinner we were talking about the ward conference and how we missed them there. (ya know, the chessy missionary lines that are used with less actives) but really I was listening and searching for what exactly it was that they needed to get back to church. As we were talking, she kept saying that she didn´t really have desires to go back but she would see what happens. But what she really kept talking about was how her son Diego has a strong spirit, a different spirit than most nine year olds. I was thinking of Eli in that moment. Then she was saying how he is gonna be a great kid when he grows up. Every mother is proud of her chirldren obviously and wants the best for them, but really I could see as well that he has an incredible spirit. In that moment, I knew exactly what scripture I was going to share. 1 Nephi 1. "I nephi, having been born of goodly parents...and being favored in the sight of god" (or something like that? I was speaking spanish haha) I bore testimony that Diego does have a strong spirit and has a lot of great things to do, and that Diego also has been born of goodly parents, but that almost all of the things that Nephi learned how to do, Prayer, Faith, Working HArd, were all things that he was taught by his parents and their example. I shared a person experience of how MY Mom (you) and my Dad are the biggest examples in my life. How if my parents really wantred me to do something, or learn something. The best way to teach them that was by example. I kind of dropped the cane on them and was a little bit intense, but being bold was what they needed. 
I am so glad to have parents that are examples to me and help me to be the best person! I couldn´t ask for better parents :)
Love you guys so much!

Elder Hazlett

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