Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

This week was pretty crazy...My letter to president basically summed it up, but to tell you a little bit about what is new here:

We eat every day with members and it is a ton. I am not losing weight...but not gaining either because luckily I can run with elder lindquist in the morning. My ward is 100 bolivians and they eat a ton so we aren`t lacking in that area. 
We had an open church activity last night and we had about 300 people who came and visited in the space of 3 hours. The people who came from the office of the church said it was one of the best turnouts that they had seen. We had some new families that came and we were able to teach them about what we do in the church. 
I printed off your recipe for coklkies today because everyone wants to try them haha. It has been a while since I made them last.
My comp is still elder santizo from guatemala. I think we are going to have transfers this next week but if not than I am fine with that because he is great.
WE go to the temple a couple times a week because it is closer to me than back home haha. who would have thought right?? It is a blessing. We donpt get to go in, but we get to visit at least.
Look up Cochabamba Bolivia on google maps and that is what it looks like where I am at. They build giant buildings and there they live 20 families. But each family only has a room and they share a couple kitchens and bathrooms. it is realyl hard...and sad...but it is culture.
We are teaching right now a few families but mostly a lot of YSA. They are all YSA age here and a lot of them come to work from bolivia because bolivia has no work right now. Elvis and Omar were two that got baptized this last month and they both blessed the sacrament alone yesterday. it was the first time for omar and second for Elvis. IT was a great sacrament meeting. 
Luckily the weather is a little warmer now. My clothes actually dry in a day. We have the choice to send the clothes in to get washed but it costs money and I prefer washing it and eating something more delicious haha. We have a little fridge and a stove but that is it in our apartment. no microwaves or washing machines. those are luxuries.
We travel by bus EVERYWHERE and it is pretty fun. Sometimes there are a billion people and we are all smashed together.
Anyway, If you have more questions, let me know! I hope you are all doing well and if you get the chance to read: The best is yet to come by Elder Holland. It is a great talk.
Love you!!

baby of a family in our ward and our friends that we found from colombia
 At the Temple :)
 Lunch with a recent convert family.
Another Temple pic

Presidents letter

I hope you are having a good week and are feeling more and more comfortable here. I know that you are used to living in other countries so that is a plus. This last week was a little bit hard for my companion and I. We had set goals that we thought were achievable and we worked hard to achieve them...but we came up really short. As we reflected back on what happened and what we can change, we came to the conclusion that it wasn`t necessarily the goals that were off track, but our spiritual discernment in working to achieve those goals. All of the things we did were with good intentions, but we didn`t allow the spirit to help us discern whether it is what we should have done or not. 
In the SOL this week you hit the nail on the head (for me at least). WE need to focues mentally, spiritually, and physically to be able to be in tune with the spirit. As far as the obedience and diligence, I don`t have a problem...but letting the spirit guide my every action has been the hardest part for me. A lot of times I am quicker to act than I am to observe...and my actions result in something ineffective. We had a lot of great lessons this week with a lot of great people, and we found a lot of new investigators that don`t live in our area, but at the end of the week I felt as if my decisions had been taken without meditating and consulting it with the man upstairs. 
I am now putting my focus in getting in tune with the spirit because I know that I cannot be an effective leader without letting the spirit lead me. 
I think the hardest thing for me so far has been that I have had to fall to learn and that is what happened in our area. We had 3 families that were all progressing and we focused on them with pure excitement that they wanted to be baptized and we got to the end of the week and they didn`t come to church and we were at a complete loss...we have a few people that still made it, but we hadn`t even visited them the whole week to help teach them because our vision was focused on the other families that didn`t really have a lot of interest. IT was hard for me to knwo that, yes we did work hard, but, no we didn`t work with the spirit. 
We were analyzing a few of the companionships and the difference of how they are doing now and we decided that they as well have the same struggle with accepting and working WITH the spirit in everything they do.
I know that we are going to move forward and that this is just a moment of learning. My focus and purpose has not changed and I will continue to help everyone receive the ordinance of Baptism and Confirmation. Thanks for everything you do and always being an example in having and working with the spirit.
Elder Hazlett

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